Friday, December 30, 2011

Arrival in England

I arrived in Colchester, England on December 16th at five in the morning! I was just in time for all the Christmas parties, which allowed me to meet several people in the community. The parties consisted of an International students' party at one of the African family's house from the church, a Christmas Carol Service for the entire church and community, and a brunch with the church staff. Another one of the Christmas parties I went to was the youth Christmas party which consisted of swimming in December! There is a nice family in the area who allowed the students to come and use their indoor pool. 

Swimming in England!

On the 21st of December I traveled to Dundee, Scotland by train (it was a beautiful journey) to visit my friends from training this summer, Megan Kibbey and the Stadalsky family. It was really nice to spend Christmas with them and see Scotland! They work with medical students at the university in Dundee, so it was exciting to hear all about their ministry and meet some of their new friends! 
Here are a few pics from my week there:

Edinburgh, Scotland

Christmas at the Stadalsky's in Dundee, Scotland

St. Andrews University in St. Andrews, Scotland 

The Cliffs at Arbroath, Scotland 

I am constantly seeing God's provision and am amazed at how much he truly loves His children. I love being outdoors in God's creation. It is there I am reminded of His beauty and greatness. Please continue to pray for this nation and the work God has already begun. Pray for guidance for me as I navigate this new culture and find where I can best serve. 

The kingdom of Heaven is near!

Book suggestion: "Heaven is for Real" 
(great book in bringing us back to our childlike faith and/or wrestling through doubts)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I leave Next Month...Is this real life???

It's hard to believe I am finally about to embark on this long awaited journey. It's not that the journey can only begin when I leave, because everything up until this point has been just as much a part of the journey as the actually "going" part, but for the last year and a half I have put so many prayers, uncertainties, and anxieties into "going" there is a certain excitement and surreality I cannot quite explain. 

I have received my visa and soon will be purchasing my one-way ticket to England (weird!). For the past month or so I have been traveling nonstop to visit friends and family to say my "goodbyes" and spend some quality time with each of them. If you know me well, you know quality time is at the top of my list for what brings joy and satisfaction to my life, but the only type of quality time that can bring these two things is one that points to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here are a few pictures of my sweet gatherings with friends and family:

My cousin, Jena. Love her.

Some great friends from Harrison, AR who have been such a blessing this past year and half! This was also at mine and Matt's surprise birthday times!

Kayla, Robyn, and Deena...three great girls!

My friend, Robyn Cloud, we went to high school together, played basketball together, and pretty much are the same person! :) This was our fun day in Eureka Springs, AR amongst all the beautiful fall colors!

Let the "rest" of the journey begin!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Recap over 2nd Half of Training...

Here's a little review of my summer in North Carolina at training...

"Winshape" Team Building: Dynamic Teams Class

Dynamic Teams Group Photo:

Sharpening your Interpersonal Skills Group Photo:

Our last class of training was "Facilitating Church Planting Movements" which was amazing and so enlightening. We truly learned so much, grew tremendously in our faith, and developed many tools for the mission field as well as for everyday life. One major reminder from the summer: "We must allow the Gospel to affect us daily and live out of God's sufficiency with each new day."

Support Update:
I am at 86% of my support...praise God for his provision! I need roughly around $400/month more which could easily be achieved by having:

-16 people commit to $25/month
-8 people commit to $50/month
-4 people commit to $100/month

Next steps- September/October apply for Visa and buy one-way plane ticket to England!

Any amount is a blessing to my life and this ministry I will be a part. As I continually say, prayers are much coveted. It is through God's kingdom on Earth, the Church, that lives will be impacted for His glory. Please pray with me, for me, and for the people I will be serving in England. 

"Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Say, "CHEEEESE"...

So, our first class of training here at CIT ended a little over a week ago and here are our group photos...we're SUPER photogenic. Ha. 
Also, you can see from the pictures we have fun. 

God has placed so many fun people in my life this summer who have a similar passion for the world and furthering the kingdom of God around the world! God never ceases to amaze me in his provision.

After the class ended I had a nice little break and decided to head to Charleston, SC with some new friends who were about to head to Scotland. It's nice knowing I will have good friends nearby in the UK!

Update on support and when I head to England:
Once I receive 90% of my monthly support I will purchase my airline ticket to England! That seems SO crazy to me because I am extremely close to having that ticket in my hand! 

Basically, I need $750 per month more to purchase my ticket and I am hoping to reach this goal by October 1st. Please pray with me for more monthly supporters and intercessors. And I am praying and hoping to be in England by the end of the year to join the church in their ministry to the people of Colchester. 

"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart."
2 Corinthians 4:1

Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Training Pics...

Owen and Sophia (other trainees' kids) came to play with me on Friday :)

Saturday a few of us (12 actually) went to a Scottish festival 
in Franklin, NC

The team going to Scotland: Scott, Jennifer, John Spencer, and Sophia Stadalsky and my roommate Megan Kibbey

The Wilkins, Philip and Autumn, and their four kids are Ethan, Peyton, Morgan, and Owen. Such a fun family!

Scottish Dancing

The Mountains of North Carolina...breathtaking.

Missionaries Representin'

My new friend, Peyton Wilkins :)

Scottish game: Log Throwing

Fun times with fun people! 
Most importantly, we are consistently learning and growing here at CIT. God is revealing to me so much more about who I am in Christ and who he is. This preparation to go serve overseas is priceless. Please pray with me as I seek more intercessors and donors. God's provision is certain.